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humor: aug 29 -- Bill Likes These ....

                              Nick's G-Rated Humor List

Nick culled these from "Bill's Punch Line" at tcmrtalk@airmail.net
.____  _ _ _ _       ____                   _       _     _
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From: "Gunther, Tina" <tina_gunther@peter.biola.edu>

Terrorists and Attorneys

Have you seen the recent news bulletin?
"Terrorists abduct bus load of attorneys."
Note from terrorists:
"Unless you meet our demands, we will
release one hostage a day!"

From: "sec_2001@ juno.com" <sec_2001@juno.com>

	Modified ...... because ....
	Nick tells Hittite jokes, remember?

The Hittite reports for his University final examination which consists of
"yes/no" type questions. He takes his seat in the examination hall, stares
at the question paper for five minutes, and then in a fit of inspiration
takes out a coin and starts tossing the coin and marking the answer sheet -
Yes for Heads
and No for Tails. Within half an hour he is all done whereas the rest of
the class is sweating it out.

During the last few minutes, she is seen desperately throwing the coin. The
moderator, alarmed, approaches her and asks what is going on.

"I finished the exam in half and hour. But," he said, "I wanted to recheck
my answers."


For the Blue Jays, the Canadian baseball team, there's a motto for
the players: when you hit the ball, you have TORONTO first base.

                                   -- Norman Gilbert

A man goes to a dermatologist with a rare skin disease. The doctor says,
"Try a milk bath."  So the guy goes to a dairy and tells the owner he needs
enough milk to take a bath. The dairy guys ask "You want that pasteurized?"
"Nah," the man replied "Up to my chin should do it."

From: kafie@gte.net

I've gone out to look for myself.
If I should return before I get back...
Keep me here!


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