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Joke: January 6 - Joke Direct from Baghdad

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                              TODAY's JOKE
                            January 6, 1997
Yesterday's "Worst things to see on your Finals paper in red ink"
received middling grades.  
A 4.3 from Joke-Of-The-Day.com members.

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                     THIS JOKE DIRECT FROM BAGHDAD 
                         before the Gulf War

            - Submitted by one of the world's top experts on Iraq
                 now temporarily in Washington, D. C
An unemployed Iraqi guy was hanging out on Abu Nawas street in Baghdad
recovering from a hangover and started to become very hungry. He looked 
around and saw no food in the street so he decided he would have to ask 
for a handout.

He passed a liquor store and knew that the owner was a religious Christian,
so he searched around for a few hours and finally found a picture of Jesus
on the cross to try to ingratiate himself to the man.

So the guy walked into the store and said "My friend, I am a poor homeless
man and am very hungry. In the memory of Jesus - and here he took out the
picture of Jesus on the Cross - would you please be so kind and help me?"

The shop owner responded. "My poor friend, The lord has been good to me so
here is a dinar (about $3 at the time) I hope this will help you get a warm

Rather than buying food, the man passed a local bar and walked in to find 
a drink.  Over time, his dinar evaporated into alcohol and he found himself
in a drunken stupor on the bank of the Tigris River, just off Abu Nawas 
Street. He woke up 2 days later, now even hungrier than before, and realized 
how stupid he had been. He decided that he would go back to the kind liquor
store owner.

Unfortunately, he lost his picture of Jesus and spent several hours looking
around for it. To no avail, he just could not find it. The only thing he
could find was a recent photo of Saddam Hussein on the wall. So he picked
it up and walked back to the store.

The store owner greeted him and the man said, "My friend, you were so kind
before. Now I ask you again if you can help me in the name of our glorious
leader, The "Historical Necessity", "the Defender of our country, May The 
Lord protect and defend him "(and he pulls out the photo) of "Saddam Hussein."

The merchant hands him over a "Dirham" (approximately 5 Cents at the time)
The guy was confused and asked, "How come when I came here 2 days ago, and
I showed you a picture of Jesus on the cross, you were very gracious and
gave me a dinar ($3), and now when I show you a photo of our glorious
leader Saddam Hussein, May The Lord protet and defend hime, you only 
give me a DIRHAM ($.05)?

So the merchant responds, "If you bring me Saddam Hussein like this - 
spreading his arms wide to emulate the cross  -  I would give you a
dinar as well."
    T I R E D    O F   C O M M U T I N G    T O    W O R K

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