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 "The World's Largest Daily Joke List"

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                              TODAY's JOKE
                             June 19, 1998
Yesterday's Doctors jokes did great, especially by
the medical fraternity who passed it around to all of their friends
AND Patients
A 5.6 from Joke-Of-The-Day.com members.
Sorry about the problem for many of you on the 17th

      D O   Y O U   L I K E   T O   G O   B A R E F O O T  ? 
            Enter the Barefoot in Belize SWEEPSTAKES
                      Prizes include:  

        FREE Trip to BELIZE with super sailing excursion, 
          Schwinn bike &  J Crew Gift Certificate

         You only have to do one thing: ENTER!
CLICK NOW: http://a.joke-of-the-day.com/X?/1270-3886899/BAREFOOTT

    Rate the Joke below! and       *** FORWARD TO FRIENDS ***
                                        Spread The Fun
                          - Submitted by K. Smith

- I figured out why they call our language the "Mother Tongue".
  Fathers never get a chance to use much of it.

- Say what ya will about healthy eating and all, but I've always
  found it awfully difficult to explain to JimJr Jr who's 6'4"
  to my 6' in height, why junk food is bad for ya.

- One time my kids wanted to surprise me with a good breakfast
  in bed on Father's Day.  They put a cot in the kitchen.

- If you think about it, Adam had more trouble than any of the
  rest of us buying his Father a gift for Father's Day. I mean,
  what do you get somebody who's everything ?

- I started early teaching my kids the value of a dollar.  From
  then on, they demanded their allowances in gold.

- Y'all gotta watch yourselves with these on-line personal ads.
  A friend of mine answered a glowing one from some sweet young
  thang who described herself as a "ready to boil-over sexpot".
  Turned out, it was posted by his daughter.

- Speaking of that, Mrs Jim Jr and I were on vacation in Ocean
  City with another couple one time.  Max and I were walking
  along the surf eyeing the girls on the beach sunbathing.  As
  we passed one stunning blonde, face down on a blanket, Max
  remarked, "Boy !  Look at the butt on that !!!"
  I said, "Max !  You old fool.  That's Amy, your daughter."
  He didn't look at another girl the rest of the weekend.

            G O   B A R E F O O T   I N   B E L I Z E

               WIN a FREE trip to Belize
                 * Great Sailing
                 * Amazing SCUBA diving
               ENTER THE SWEEPSTAKES NOW     
     NO strings,     NO obligation.   NO purchase required.

           You only have to do one thing: ENTER!
CLICK NOW: http://a.joke-of-the-day.com/X?/1270-3886899/BAREFOOTB

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