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Joke: April 24 - Business is Business!

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                              TODAY's JOKE
                              April 24,  1998
Yesterday's Jokes received middling grades.
A 4.3 from Joke-Of-The-Day.com members


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                         BUSINESS IS BUSINESS
                          - Submitted by Ron Rich
After watching sales falling off for three straight months 
at Kentucky Fried Chicken, the Colonel calls up the Pope and 
asks for a favor.
The Pope says, "What can I do?  "The Colonel says, "I need you to
change the daily prayer from, 'Give us this day our daily bread' 
to 'Give us this day our daily chicken'.  If you do it, I'll donate 
10 Million Dollars to the Vatican."
The Pope replies, "I am sorry.  That is the Lord's prayer and I can
not change the words." So the Colonel hangs up.

After another month of dismal sales, 
the Colonel panics, and calls again.
"Listen your Excellency.  I really need your help.  I'll donate $50
million dollars if you change the words of the daily prayer from 'Give
us this day our daily bread' to 'Give us this day our daily chicken.'"
And the Pope responds, "It is very tempting, Colonel Sanders.  The church
could do a lot of good with that much money.  It would help us to
support many charities.  But, again, I must decline. It is the Lord's
prayer, and I can't change the words."
So the Colonel gives up again.  After two more months of terrible
sales.  The Colonel gets desperate. "This is my final offer, your
Excellency.  If you change the words of the daily prayer from, 'Give
us this day our daily bread' to 'Give us this day our daily chicken' I
will donate $100 million to the Vatican." The Pope replies, "Let me get
back to ,you."
So the next day, the Pope calls together all of his bishops and he
says, "I have some good news and I have some bad news.  The good news
is that KFC is going to donate $100 million to the Vatican."

The bishops rejoice at the news.  
Then one asks about the bad news. The Pope

"The bad news is that we lost the Wonder Bread account."

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