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Joke: March 26 - Direct Call to Upstairs

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                              TODAY's JOKE
                             March 26, 1998
Yesterday's  "It's A Dog's life" drew mixed results.
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                  Direct Call to "Upstairs"               
                          - Submitted by Avi Golden
The Chief Rabbi of Israel and the Pope are in a meeting in Rome. 
The Rabbi notices an unusually fancy phone on a side table in the 
Pope's private chambers.

"What is that phone for?" he asks the pontiff.

"It's my direct line to the Lord!"

The Rabbi is skeptical, and the Pope notices. The Holy Father insists 
that the Rabbi try it out, and, indeed, he is connected to the Lord. 
The Rabbi holds a lengthy discussion with Him. After hanging up the 
Rabbi says. "Thank you very much. This is great! But listen, I want 
to pay for my phone charges."

The Pope, of course refuses, but the Rabbi is steadfast and finally,
the pontiff gives in. He checks the counter on the phone and says: 
"Allright! The charges were 100,000 Lira. ($56)

The Chief Rabbi gladly hands over a packet of bills. A few months
later, the Pope is in Jerusalem on an official visit. In the Chief 
Rabbi's chambers he sees a phone identical to his and learns it also 
is a direct line to the Lord. The Pope remembers he has an urgent matter 
that requires divine consultation and asks if he can use the Rabbi's phone.

The Rabbi gladly agrees, hands him the phone, and the Pope chats away.
After hanging up, the Pope offers to pay for the phone charges.

This time, the Chief Rabb refuses to accept payment.
After the Pope insist, the Chief The Rabbi relents and looks on 
the phone counter and says: "1 Shekel 50!" ($0.42)

The Pope looks surprised: "Why so cheap!?"

The Rabbi smiles: "Local call." 

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