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Joke: March 3 - The Butler Did It!

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                              TODAY's JOKE
                              March 3, 1998
Yesterday's "Debt Collector" did better than we expected.
A 5.8 from Joke-Of-The-Day.com members
                      This Joke Sponsored by: 
                     Investors Business Daily
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                    THE BUTLER DID IT
                         - Submitted by Bernie Delray 
A wealthy couple had plans to go to an evening ball. 
So they advised their butler that they were giving him the 
have evening off to do as he pleasd since they would be out 
until quite late.

The couple went to a ball and dinner. After an hour an a half, the wife
told her husband that she was horrible bored and that she preferred to go
home and finish some work for the next stay.

The husband responded that he had to stay for a few more hours to meet
some very important people who were his new business partners.

So the wife went home alone and found the the butler spread out
on the couch watching TV.

She slowly moved towards hime and sat down very seductively. 
She then told him to come closer. Then even closer. 

She moved forward and whispered in his ear
"Take off my dress...". 
"Now take off my bra. 

"Next remove my shoes and stockings."

"Now remove my garter belt and panties"

She then looked deep into his eyes and in a sharp voice shouted
"The next time I catch you wearing my clothes, you're fired".

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