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Joke: January 9 - THE ZOO

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                              TODAY's JOKE
                            January 9, 1998
Yesterday's "What women really mean" was pretty popular
A solid 5.5 from Joke-Of-The-Day.com members

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                             THE ZOO
                              - Submitted by A. Laalor

One day an out of work mime is visiting the zoo and attempts to earn 
some money as a street performer. Unfortunately, as soon as he starts to 
draw a crowd, a zoo keeper grabs him and drags him into his office.

The zoo keeper explains to the mime that the zoo's most popular 
attraction, a gorilla has died suddenly and the keeper fears that 
attendance at the zoo will fall off. He offers the mime a job to dress 
up as the gorilla until they can get another one. The mime accepts.

 So the next morning the mime puts on the gorilla suit and enters the 
cage before crowd comes. He discovers that it's a great job. He can 
sleep all he wants, play and make fun of people and he draws bigger 
crowds than he ever did as a mime. However, eventually the crowds tire 
of him and he tires of just swinging on tires. He begins to notice that 
the people are paying more attention to the lion in the cage next to 
his. Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience, he climbs to the 
top of his cage, crawls across a partition, and dangles from the top to 
the lion's cage. Of course, this makes the lion furious, but the crowd 
loves it.

At the end of the day the zoo keeper comes and gives the mime a raise 
for being such a good attraction.

Well, this goes on for some time, the mime keeps taunting the lion, the 
crowds grow larger, and his salary keeps going up. Then one terrible day 
when he is dangling over the furious lion he slips and falls. The mime 
is terrified. The lion gathers itself and prepares to pounce. The mime 
is so scared that he begins to run round and round the cage with the 
lion close behind. Finally, the mime starts screaming and yelling, 
"Help, Help me!", but the lion is quick and pounces. The mime soon finds 
himself flat on his back looking up at the angry lion and the lion says,

"Shut up you idiot! Do you want to get us both fired?"


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