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Joke: April 21 - New Job Interview Techniques

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                              TODAY's JOKE
                              April 21  1998
Yesterday's Marriage Jokes did pretty well, although some
weren't so happy with them/
Overall a 5.1 from Joke-Of-The-Day.com members
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                  New Job Interview Techniques
                     - Submitted by Shailaja Seebaluck-Oolun
 Take the prospective employees you are trying to place and put them in
 a room with only a table and two chairs.  Leave them alone for two
 hours, without any instruction.  At the end of that time, go back and
 see what they are doing.

 If they have taken the table apart,
                 put them in Engineering.

 If they are counting the butts in the ashtray,
                 assign them to Finance.

 If they are waving their arms and talking out loud,
                 send them to Consulting.

 If they are talking to the chairs,
                 Personnel is a good spot for them.

 If they are wearing green sunglasses and need a haircut,
                 Computer Information Systems is their niche.

 If the room has a sweaty odor,
                 perhaps they're destined for the Help Desk.

 If they mention what a good price we got for the table and chairs,
                 put them into Purchasing.

 If they mention that hardwood furniture DOES NOT come from rainforests,
                 Public Relations would suit them well.

 If they are sleeping,
                 they are Management material.

 If they are writing up the experience,
                 send them to the Technical Documents team.

 If they don't even look up when you enter the room,
                 assign them to Security.

 If they try to tell you it's not as bad as it looks,
                 send them to Marketing.

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                 INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    

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