8.2. Software problems

For details on solving software problems see Chapter 9, "Special notes on some distributions."

8.2.1. Incompatible userspace program:s

  1. gpm - freezy mouse under XFree86. With the current XFree86 you are losing VGA virtual consoles anyway.

    Recommended: disable.

  2. RedHat 8.0/9, SuSE 8.1 - /bin/sysfont:

    You can use RedHat 7.3 consolechars instead.

  3. SuSE 8.1 - /etc/init.d/hwscan:

    Recommended: disable. If you have to install new hardware and want to use this service, boot with standard kernel and start it manually.

8.2.2. Tweaks needed

  1. Mandrake 9.1 - /etc/init.d/numlock:

    You should change the lines including "/dev/tty[0-8]" to "/dev/tty[0-7]".

  2. SuSE 8.1 - /etc/init.d/kbd:

    Add this line in the very beginning of the file:

    KBD_TTY="tty0 tty2 tty3 tty4 tty5 tty6 tty7"