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May 2-3 - Really Funny Sig

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                              TODAY's JOKE
                              May 2,  1998
Yesterday's "Bank Robbers" made most people smile, and of course
there were lots of "ooos" on this one.

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                   FUNNY SIGNS
                   - from Joke-Of-The-Day.com Members
This is part of a continuing series of funny signs seen around the world
Have You seen a really funny sign,
Send it to us at:    Signs@joke-of-the-day.com

On a recent trip to NYC via the George Washington Bridge, the first sign
greeting us on the other side had graffiti exclaiming,"JESUS
SAVES!",directly beneath a different artist sprayed "AT CITIBANK".

On the return trip the "Welcome to New Jersey" sign has been altered to
      - Richard O'Malley

 I saw this sign in a restaurant in Reston, VA.  
"Room capacity 110.  Live capacity 100."
      - Nazanin Uddin Sawez

Sign in a Belgrade hotel elevator

"To move the cabin, push button for the wishing floor.  If the cabin 
should enter more persons, each one should press a number of wishing 
floor. Driving is then going alphabetically by national order."
      - Adesola, Morenikeji

If we were meant to be nudists we would be born without clotrhes,,,
      - John Castiglia

Sign seen hanging on a recent but bitter divorcee cubicle:
"I still miss my ex-wife, but my aim is improving!"
      -  Robert Boyles 

A guy went into the menīs room, and while he was at the urinal 
he looked up and saw a handprinted sign that read: 
"your future is in your hands"
       -  Bob Livingston from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Seen this at a tavern
 "Checks gladly accepted with cash deposit for amount written"
       - TOWTRKDUG

In a news shop-
SPECIAL DEAL!! A free ride in a police car if you steal 
from this shop!!
      -Michael Thompson

A sign written on the door of the bathrooms/toilets
in a restaurant in Melbourne, Australia
         US                       THEM
Now try figuring out which one to go to:)
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         Click here:      http://www.goodherb.com
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