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Joke: April 9 - Cheating On Your Taxes

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                               TODAY's JOKE
                              April 9, 1998
Yesterday's Passover Jokes did pretty well
Overall a 5.3 from Joke-Of-The-Day.com members
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                    GET TURBO TAX NOW
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                   CHEATING ON YOUR TAXES                  
                          - Submitted by A. SMITH
One day, this man, Tony, died. When he was sent to be judged, 
he was told that he had committed a sin, and that he could not 
go to heaven rightaway.  He asked what he did and God told him 
that he cheated on his income taxes, and that the only way he could 
get into heaven would be to sleep with a 500 pound, stupid, 
butt-ugly woman for the next five years and enjoy it. Tony decided 
that this was a small price to pay for an eternity in heaven. 
So off he went with this enormous woman, pretending to be happy.

As he was walking along, he saw his friend Carlos up ahead. 
Carlos was with an even bigger, uglier woman than he was with. 
When he approached Carlos he asked him what was going on, and 
Carlos replied "I cheated on my income taxes and scammed 
the government out of a lot of money...even more then you did."
They both shook their heads in understanding and figured that 
as longas they have to be with these women, they might as well 
hang out together to help pass the time.

Now Tony, Carlos, and their two beastly women were walking 
along, minding their own business when Tony and Carlos could 
have sworn that they saw their friend Jon up ahead, only this 
man was with an absolutely drop dead gorgeous supermodel/centerfold.
Stunned, Tony and Carlos approached the man and in fact it was their 
friend Jon. They asked him how is he with this unbelievable goddess, 
while they were stuck with these god-awful women. 
Jon replied "I have no idea, and i'm definately not complaining.
This has been absolutely the best time of my life (and I'm dead,)
and I have five years of the best sex any man could hope for to 
look forward to. There is only one thing that I can't seem to 
understand. After everytime we have sex, she rolls over and
murmur's to herself, "Damn income taxes"!!!!!

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    TRY IT OUT at:  http://turbotax.vitabella.com/?1141


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